Dynamic landscapes to model communication and learning


  • Miguel Fuentes Universidad de Buenos Aires Santa Fe Institute, Nuevo México, USA
  • Hernán Miguel Universidad de Buenos Aires



Parole chiave:

Semantics. Complex systems. Dynamic landscapes. Learning. Pathologies of learning. Communication. Interpreter


When trying to model the interaction between the incoming information and the receiver, several important features should be taken into account. Some of them could appear to the intuition as a bias in communication at a first glance. But after a deeper inspection these features arise as constitutive of such communication. The interaction mentioned seems to be undeterministic so that the information is not a sufficient condition to fix the final state of the receiver. Besides, when the stimulus enter the receiver make her to consider some concepts laying appart from the prototipical one. This process should yield a modification in the conceptual configuration of the receiver, leading to a much better way to process the next stimulus than its previous occurrences. This can give account of the learning coming from the process of interpretation itself. The present article constitutes an up to date research in such a model and points out the development obtained in a much wider scope to be explored. In doing so, some aimings of the research program are underlined, although are not developed yet. On the other hand, the goals achieved until now show a very valuable results when we fix the model to be applied to communication and learning

Biografie autore

  • Miguel Fuentes, Universidad de Buenos Aires Santa Fe Institute, Nuevo México, USA
    Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, IIF-SADAF, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Santa Fe Institute, Nuevo México, USA
  • Hernán Miguel, Universidad de Buenos Aires
    Universidad de Buenos Aires, Sociedad Argentina de Analísis Filosófico (SADAF), Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina






Come citare

Dynamic landscapes to model communication and learning. (2016). Scientiae Studia, 14(1), 65-94. https://doi.org/10.11606/S1678-31662016000100005