Lúcia / Miguel: romance e crítica
Palabras clave:
Lúcia Miguel Pereira, Machado de Assis, Casa Velha, Cabra-CegaResumen
This study aims to show how Lucia Miguel Pereira tried to gather in a creative work the results of her research and literary criticism. As she was seriously devoted to these different activities and was very aware of their differences, this fact may have brought him gains and losses. To this end, this paper investigates the hypothesis that she had taken advantage of the novel Machado de Assis´ Casa Velha - whose rescue and publication in book form was due to her own - in the construction of his latest novel, Cabra-CegaDescargas
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Cómo citar
Roncari, L. (2015). Lúcia / Miguel: romance e crítica. Teresa: Revista De Literatura Brasileira, 16, 205-218. https://revistas.usp.br/teresa/article/view/115426