Gérard de Nerval: poesia e memória


  • Marta Kawano Universidade de São Paulo


Gérard de Nerval, memory, ideal feminine figure, poetic prose, French Romanticism


This essay tries to approach the prose and the poetry of Gérard de Nerval from a common perspective. Following Marcel Proust’s observations on Sylvie, this article points out a number of features (or echoes) that link this novella to the sonnet “El desdichado”, with emphasis on memory, the figuration of the ideal (particularly of the ideal feminine figure), and disenchantment.


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Author Biography

  • Marta Kawano, Universidade de São Paulo
    é professora de Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada da Universidade de São Paulo, autora de Gérard de Nerval: A escrita em trânsito (Ateliê, 2009).



How to Cite

Kawano, M. (2013). Gérard de Nerval: poesia e memória. Teresa, 12-13, 508-524. https://revistas.usp.br/teresa/article/view/99419