Berlin: imaginary frontiers, real frontiers?


  • Barbara Freitag Universidade de Brasília



Imagery, Real frontiers, Imaginary frontiers, Berlin, Berlin wall


In this article, the author tries to re-construct, through the novels of Theodor Fontane (1819-1899), Alfred Doblin (1878-1957), and Irina Liebmann (1943) the city landscape during three decisve periods of Berlin´s history: (I) the years of the "Founders" (Grunderjahre), since 1870; (II) the years of Weimar Republic, between the two World Wars, and, finally, (III) the twenty-eight of the existence  of the Berlin Wall. Can these literary images of the past help us to forecast the shape of Berlin "after the Fall"?


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Author Biography

  • Barbara Freitag, Universidade de Brasília

    Professora da Universidade de Brasília.


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How to Cite

Freitag, B. (1994). Berlin: imaginary frontiers, real frontiers?. Tempo Social, 6(1/2), 127-145.