Terrorism and the attacks of September 11th
violence, terrorism, power, biopower, cynicism, racism, September 11th, 2001Abstract
The phenomenon of the world fragmentation produced a new order in the relations of power, establishing a new tension between ones of "top" against the ones of "low", creating a vertical line in the old geopolitics axis east/west of the Cold War. The elements that generate the oppressed identities aim at an affirmation to a way of being, constituting the ontological character of the collective personality. The objective of this work is to consider the theoretical reasons that feed the thought and the terrorist action, its strategies and discursive tactics. An ontology of the violence emerges from the interior of the foucaulians concepts - microphysics, biopower, subject, freedom, games of truth, cynicism. In the new world-wide order, the terrorism while punctual action - threatening and diffuse presence, acting by surprise, disseminating fear and destruction - is the opposition to the dominant power, that can also be terrorism of State.Downloads
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