The trip to Paris by Brazilian artists of the 19th century


  • Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Arte, Ciências e Humanidades



Art, Academia, Education, Women, French models


This paper analyzes the role the Académie Julian, a private academy, played as it received a great part of artists who went to Paris between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Three themes are discussed: what they studied, the importance of the institution for the female artists and how esthetic novelties that were cropping up in Paris at the time were absorbed and reinterpreted by those artists.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni, Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Arte, Ciências e Humanidades

    é doutora em Sociologia (USP) e professora da Escola de Arte, Ciências e Humanidades (EACH) da USP. É autora de Di Cavalcanti ilustrador: trajetória de um jovem artista gráfico na imprensa (1914-1922).


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How to Cite

Simioni, A. P. C. (2005). The trip to Paris by Brazilian artists of the 19th century . Tempo Social, 17(1), 343-366.