Situated circulation and publication languages of the academic elites of the Southern Cone




Situated circulation, Publications, English, Academic elites, Bibliodiversity


This article analyzes the relationship between researchers’ self-perceptions about the value of publishing in  English and the diversity of circulation practices observed in their entire  publication trajectory. Methodologically, we use both a trinational survey carried out with the academic elite of Argentina, Brazil and Chile and an empirical observation of a sample of researchers’ resumes from these three countries. The contribution is twofold: in conceptual terms, we  propose the concept of “situated  circulation” as an alternative to linear and traditional perspectives of internationalization; In the empirical field, we show how the bibliodiversity in the academic trajectories and the multiscalarity of the circulation of these academics gives us a complex and diverse look in the three cases. As a consequence, the findings allow us  to go beyond the usual views on  English as a language of publication and advance the debate on the dynamism of the circulation process and its social-institutional anchors.


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Author Biographies

  • Fernanda Beigel, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

    Socióloga, doutora em Ciências Políticas e Sociais. Pesquisadora principal do Conicet e professora titular da Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, onde dirige o Centro de Estudios de la Circulación del Conocimiento (Cecic),

  • Breno Bringel, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Doutor em Ciências Políticas. Pesquisador sênior da Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Programa Talento Investigador) e professor do Iesp da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, onde coordena o Núcleo de Teoria Social e América Latina (Netsal).


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Dossier - Monolingualism or Multilingualism in the production of knowledge?

How to Cite

Beigel, F., & Bringel, B. (2022). Situated circulation and publication languages of the academic elites of the Southern Cone. Tempo Social, 34(3), 153-207.