Global cars, transnational inequalities: on the (in)formal economy of vehicles




Mobilities, Illegal markets, Mixed methods, Theft and theft of vehicles


Introduction to the special issue "Global Cars"


Author Biographies

  • Bianca Freire-Medeiros, Universidade de São Paulo

    Associate professor, Department of Sociology and Graduate Programs in Sociology (FFLCH-USP) and Tourism (EACH-USP), University of São Paulo. Associate Researcher, Center of Metropolitan Studies, where she coordinates UrbanData – Brasil/CEM: bibliographical database on urban Brazil. Leader, Mobilidades research group: theories, themes, and methods (MTTM), linked to CNPq and CeMoRe (Center for Mobilities Research, Lancaster University). Tinker Visiting Professor at the University of Texas at Austin (2016), and Chairs Florestan Fernandes at Colegio de México (2014) and Ruth Cardoso at Georgetown University (Fulbright/Fapesp, 2021). Part of the Center of Urban Ethnographies at Cebrap, where she is one of the leading researchers of the Thematic Project Fapesp-ANR Global cars: A transnational urban research project on the informal economy of vehicles (Europe, Africa and South America). Member of the Directors Board of the Brazilian Sociological Society (2023), and 1D Researcher, CNPq.

  • Luana Motta, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

    Assistant professor, Department of Sociology and Graduate Program in Sociology, Federal University of São Carlos. Leader, Group of Urban Research – NaMargem/UFSCAR, linked to CNPq. Post-doctoral researcher at the Center for Latin American Studies, University of Chicago. Associate Researcher in the projects Covid-19 pandemic impacts on the everyday lives of Brazilian teenagers in situation of social vulnerability (CNPq); Global cars: A transnational urban research project on the informal economy of vehicles (Europe, Africa and South America) (Fapesp-ANR); Writing on violence: Statistics, ethnography, and research accessibility (British Academy).

  • Deborah Fromm, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    PHD, Social Anthropology, State University of Campinas (Unicamp) with research internship at Goldsmiths College, University of London (2019). Master’s Degree, SocialAnthropology (Unicamp) with research internship at the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (Ciesas-DF/México, 2016). Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences, Federal University of São Carlos (2013). Researcher at the Center of Urban Ethnographies (NEU/Cebrap) and part of the Brazilian team for the Thematic Project Fapesp-ANR Global cars: A transnational urban research project on the informal economy of vehicles (Europe, Africa and South America).


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Dossier - Global cars and the (in)formal economy of vehicles

Funding data

How to Cite

Freire-Medeiros, B., Motta, L., & Fromm, D. (2023). Global cars, transnational inequalities: on the (in)formal economy of vehicles. Tempo Social, 35(1), 5-15.