The strength of weak bonds: employment strategies among Brazilian immigrants in Portugal


  • João Peixoto UTL; SOCIUS
  • Catarina Egreja UTL; SOCIUS



Brazilian migration, Labour market, Job search, Social networks, Portugal


This article addresses the theme of job search strategies among Brazilian immigrants in Portugal. Its main objectives are, first, to understand the importance of social networks in finding employment abroad, as an enabling mechanism of the migration process. Second, to explore the hypothesis that, among international migrants, the "weak ties" matter more than "strong ties" to get a job. Finally, to identify the variables - gender, age, qualification, socio-professional insertion and type of employer, among others - associated with different types of strategies and networks. The main empirical base used for this study is a survey of Brazilian immigrants in Portugal carried out in 2009.


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How to Cite

Peixoto, J., & Egreja, C. (2012). The strength of weak bonds: employment strategies among Brazilian immigrants in Portugal. Tempo Social, 24(1), 263-282.