Love in the twentieth century: democratic romanticism versus therapeutic intimacy


  • Francisco Rüdiger Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Love and society, Romanticism and culture, Intimacy and therapeutic rationality


The article seeks to explain how the gradual legitimation of romantic relationships over the course of the last century - advocated by socials reformers and propagated by the mass media - have met with resistance from a discourse in favour of amorous intimacy among followers of therapeutic rationalism. The text argues that this reaction comprises a defensive protection against the negative effects potentially generated by the belief in a certain type of romanticism and its promises of happiness within a individualistic social order lacking in the traditional safeguards.


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How to Cite

Rüdiger, F. (2012). Love in the twentieth century: democratic romanticism versus therapeutic intimacy . Tempo Social, 24(2), 149-168.