From the rules of method to the disregular methods


  • José Machado Pais Universidade de Lisboa



The rules of sociological method, Sociological methodology, Durkheim.


The Sociology Durkheim helped to create dealed with the necessity of affirming a scientific method based on a combination of rules concentrated in institutionalizing an independent dominion of knowledge. The Sociology we practise nowadays shows a growing conflict – not only with other fields of knowledge (external conflict) but also on the level of its own discursivity (internal conflict). The hipertextuality of the social leads Sociology to a regime of multimethod. Uniform (pro)positions of the Rules of sociological method give place to the multiform (dis)positions of disregular methods. In this anomical context appear voices alarmed because of the methodological and anarchical transgressions inviding the field of Sociology, and a realpolitik which reunifies and ordenates sociological discursivity is claimed for. The question is to know whether this pretension – loyal to the Rules of sociological method – is compatible with the growing disinstitutionalization, fragmentation and individualization of social life.


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Author Biography

  • José Machado Pais, Universidade de Lisboa

    Professor do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa.


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Durkheim: 100 anos das regras do método

How to Cite

Pais, J. M. (1996). From the rules of method to the disregular methods. Tempo Social, 8(1), 85-111.