1968: the short year of all desires


  • Daniel Aarão Reis Filho Universidade Federal Fluminense




Student ‘s movement, Revolution, Left party, Dictatorship.


As in a role play, this articles presents the actors who took part in the play in 1968 and their aims, ambitions, ilusions and limits as well. First of all, there is a polemic interpretation of the militar and dictatorial process in this country, in which is highlighted the necessity of a study of its conexions to the Brazilian society. This is a contrary study if compared to the contemporary trend which insist on showing its isolation as if it had only existed due to the political repression. Next, it is discussed the authonomy between the studant’s movement and the revolutionary organizations who made use of weapons. Finally, some critical references are shown in order to provide information for a study of the left parties in Brazil. This text supports the idea that not only was short the year of 1968 but it is also finished, even though it was fullfilled with desire.


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Author Biography

  • Daniel Aarão Reis Filho, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Professor de História Contemporânea na Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Ex-combatente de 1968, mas não ainda de todo desativado.


DEBORD, G. (1997) A sociedade do espetáculo. Rio de Janeiro, Contraponto.

COHN-BENDIT, D. (1987) Nós, que amávamos tanto a revolução. São Paulo, Brasiliense.

GORENDER, J. (1987) Combate nas trevas. São Paulo, Ática.

REIS FILHO, D. A. (1991) A revolução faltou ao encontro. São Paulo, Brasiliense.

REIS FILHO, D. A. & Moraes, P. (1998) 1968, a paixão de uma utopia. Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Fund. Getulio Vargas.

RIDENTI, M. (1993) O fantasma da revolução brasileira. São Paulo, Unesp.





Dossiê Maio de 68

How to Cite

Reis Filho, D. A. (1998). 1968: the short year of all desires. Tempo Social, 10(2), 25-35. https://doi.org/10.1590/ts.v10i2.86770