Witness about Les Héritiers


  • Yvette Delsaut Centre national de la recherche scientifique. Escola de Altos Estudos em Ciências Sociais
  • Fernanda Arêas Peixoto Universidade de São Paulo




Bourdieu, Sociology of education, Student Movement, European Sociology Centre, Conflict of intellectual supervision


Les Héritiers, les étudiants et la culture, written by Pierre Bourdieu in partnership with Jean-Claude Passeron and published in Paris in 1964 (Éditions de Minuit), was the result of research done through a questionnaire, based on a sample of students of Letters, in Paris and from a few other French universities. Pierre Bourdieu taught sociology at the University of Lille (North): the statement published herwith tells about the conditions under which the research was undertaken in Lille, under his supervision, and retraces the history of the work, from its elaboration at the European Sociology Centre, to the reception inside and outside university research environment.


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Author Biography

  • Yvette Delsaut, Centre national de la recherche scientifique. Escola de Altos Estudos em Ciências Sociais

    é pesquisadora no CNRS e na Escola de Altos Estudos em Ciências Sociais (exEscola Prática de Altos Estudos), no âmbito do Centro de Sociologia Européia, em Paris.


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BOURDIEU, P. & DELSAUT, Y. (2002), “Entretien sur l’esprit de la recherche”. Bibliographie des travaux de Pierre Bourdieu. Pantin, Le Temps des Cerises, pp. 175-239.

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LAZARSFELD, P. (1971), Qu’est-ce que la sociologie? Paris, Gallimard (col. Idées, 238).

MASSON, Ph. (2001), “La Fabrication des Héritiers”. Revue Française de Sociologie, 42-43: 477-507.





Sociology of Science

How to Cite

Delsaut, Y. (2005). Witness about Les Héritiers (F. A. Peixoto , Trans.). Tempo Social, 17(1), 211-228. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0103-20702005000100009