Molecular detection and occurrence of equine theileriosis in Arabian horses in Al-Najaf province/Iraq
Equine theileriosis, PCR, Al-Najaf horses, PiroplasmosisAbstract
This study was designed to detect equine piroplasmosis using the molecular technique in Al-Najaf province during the season that showed an increment in tick activities. Blood samples were collected from 110 horses with more than two signs of piroplasmosis. After DNA extraction, the product was examined by a polymerase chain reaction to amplify 18SrRNA. The results showed that the overall percentage of equine theileriosis was 38.18%. According to gender, the percentage of infection was 43.48% and 29.27% in females and males, respectively. Significant variations appeared between infected horses according to age, and the percentage of infection was 50% and 35.22% in less than 2 years and more than 2 years age, respectively. Moreover, the percentage of infection was 62.5% and 19.35% in animals with and without acariasis, respectively. Significant variations were also seen in equine theileriosis according to geographical areas, and the higher percentage was reported in Hera district (60.87%), while the lowest percentage was in the center of Al-Najaf (21.43%). This difference may be due to different distribution of vector of disease (tick), which may be the availability of the suitable weather that helped in the multiplication of the intermediate vectors. In conclusion, this study proved the variations in the occurrences of equine piroplasmosis according to gender, age, and geographical areas.
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