Música, Joyce e Dublinenses – Texto e Filme


  • Magda Velloso Fernandes de Tolentino




“Songs, Joyce and Dubliners – Text and Film” This paper tries to show how music is so ingrained in Irish culture that it is present not only in the
everyday life of the people but also in literary manifestations. In James Joyce’s Dubliners we can see in several of the short stories of the collection the use of songs and their words as complementary to the plot itself. Presenting some of the examples from the collection, this paper is a good way for beginners to get acquainted with this very important work. By dealing with the original text by Joyce and with the film version made by John Huston we put together two important semiotic representations which increase the value of both.

Keywords: Dubliners; John Huston’s films; music.





100 Years of Dubliners

Cómo citar

Tolentino, M. V. F. de. (2014). Música, Joyce e Dublinenses – Texto e Filme. ABEI Journal, 16, 57-66. https://doi.org/10.37389/abei.v16i0.3557