Alberto Blest Gana and Clotario Blest. Literary and Political Legacy of an Irishman in Chile


  • Laura Janina Hosiasson University of São Paulo



A panorama of Chilean history is framed by three generations of the Blest family. The three characters of the saga were pioneers in their respective occupations: the first was the founder of medicine in Chile; the second was the initiator of the Chilean novel and the third was the creator of the Central Única de Trabajadores (CUT), the tenacious defenders of labour wrights in the twentieth century. Father, son and grandson describe their life stories as a sinuous and complex journey, as it generally is when history is observed in detail.

Biografía del autor/a

  • Laura Janina Hosiasson, University of São Paulo
    Laura Janina Hosiasson (1958, Santiago de Chile) is Associate Professor at the Department of Modern Letters of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences at the University of São Paulo. She lectures Latin American literatures. Among her publications are critical essays, the Portuguese translation of María Luisa Bombal's and José Ribeyro's works and  her book Nação e Imaginação na Guerra do Pacífico (Nation and Imagination in the Pacífic War) (2011). Her present research is on the Chilean writer  Alberto Blest Gana.






The Irish in South America

Cómo citar

Hosiasson, L. J. (2018). Alberto Blest Gana and Clotario Blest. Literary and Political Legacy of an Irishman in Chile. ABEI Journal, 20(1), 39-49.