The First Chapter of Gabriel Conroy, by Bret Harte



Mots-clés :

James Joyce, Bret Harte, Gabriel Conroy, The Dead


Readers of Joyce know the character Gabriel Conroy from Dubliners’ final, longest, and most famous short story, “The Dead”. But the question whether they have read a novel called Gabriel Conroy will certainly make most of those readers frown. Yet before the protagonist of “The Dead” was created by Joyce, another character in literature had been called by this name, Captain Gabriel Conroy, from Bret Harte’s 1876 homonymous novel. By choosing that name for the protagonist of his short story, Joyce established a dialogue, although a possibly superficial one, between his work and that of Harte.

Biographies de l'auteur

  • Luísa Freitas, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro

    He is a full-time English lecturer at the Rio de Janeiro State University (Uerj). She is also a member of the research group Joyce Studies in Brazil and co-organizes the study group Here Comes Every Joyce with Vitor Alevato do Amaral.

  • Vitor Alevato do Amaral, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Teaches English Language Literatures at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. He is a member of the Graduate Program in Literary Studies at the same university. His main areas of research are Joyce Studies and Literary Translation, with a focus on the retranslations of James Joyce’s works. He is a member of the executive board of the Brazilian Association for Irish Studies (ABEI) and coordinator of the research group Joyce Studies in Brazil.


Ellmann, Richard, editor. Letters of James Joyce. Vol. 2. Faber and Faber, 1966.

Ellmann, Richard. The Consciousness of James Joyce. Oxford U. P., 1977.

Ellmann, Richard. James Joyce. 2nd ed. Oxford U. P., 1983.

Friedrich, Gerhard. “Bret Harte as a Source for James Joyce’s ‘The Dead’”. Philological Quarterly, vol. 33, no. 4, 1954, pp. 442-444.

Kershner, Brandon. “Dialogical and Intertextual Joyce”. James Joyce Studies, edited by Jean-Michel Rabaté, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, pp. 183-202.

Joyce, James. Dubliners. The Viking Press, 1972.

Joyce, James. Dublinenses. Translated by Caetano W. Galindo. Penguin / Companhia das Letras, 2018.

Ousby, Ian, editor. The Wordsworth Companion to Literature in English. Wordsworth, 1998.

Ruland, Richard and Malcolm Bradbury. From Puritanism to Postmodernism. Penguin, 1992.




Comment citer

Freitas, L., & Amaral, V. A. do. (2023). The First Chapter of Gabriel Conroy, by Bret Harte. ABEI Journal, 25(1), 165-187.