Man Walking the Stairs: After Chaim Soutine


  • Paul Durcan
  • Luci Collin Universidade Federal do Paraná


Biografia autore

  • Luci Collin, Universidade Federal do Paraná

    Luci Collin graduated in the Higher Piano Course (School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná - 1985), in the Portuguese/English Literature (Federal University of Paraná - 1989) and in as Bachelor of Music - Classical Percussion (School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná - 1990). Completed a Masters of Arts in English Language Literature / Literature at the Federal University of Paraná (1993), the Doctorate in Linguistic and Literary Studies in English at the University of São Paulo (2003) and postdoctoral internships in Irish Literature at USP (2010 and 2017). Retired Professor at the Department of Modern Foreign Languages ​​at the Federal University of Paraná. As a writer she has 22 published books (poetry and prose fiction). She has experience in the area of ​​Letters, with emphasis on English Language Literatures, Literature and other arts and literary translation.



Come citare

Durcan, P. (2020). Man Walking the Stairs: After Chaim Soutine (L. Collin , Trans.). ABEI Journal, 22(2), 36-43.