Machado de Assis: The Reverse of the Reverse


  • Marcelo Pen Parreira



Some concepts drawn from critical reviews published by Machado
de Assis between 1850 and 1870, such as those of the inventory and mitigated realism, reveal parallels with the artistic platform embraced by the conservative Revue des Deux Mondes. Rather than a panegyric to outdated ideals, however, what seems to be at stake here is Machado’s distinctive defence of an alliance between ethics and aesthetics, literature and politics, resulting in a very advanced grasp of the art form in an equivocally enfranchised country.

Keywords: Machado de Assis, realism, Revue des Deux Mondes, Henry James.

Biografia do Autor

  • Marcelo Pen Parreira
    Marcelo Pen is Professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature in the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters, and Human Science, University of São Paulo. He has recently published in Portuguese a book length study of Henry James and Machado de Assis:Realidade possível: dilemas da ficção em Henry James e Machado de Assis. São Paulo: Ateliê Editorial, 2012, 360 pp. He has also translated James’s fiction and theory into Portuguese: Os embaixadores (The Ambassadors). São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2010, 608 pp; and A arte do romance (The Art of the Novel). São Paulo: Globo, 2003, 320 pp






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Como Citar

Parreira, M. P. (2013). Machado de Assis: The Reverse of the Reverse. ABEI Journal, 15, 156-166.