Porta da Gaiola Aberta: Representações da Monstruosidade em Banville e Shakespeare


  • Jessica Traynor




J.J. Delaney, A. Gilsenan, N. Hegarty, P. Holloway, R. Jenkinson, C. MacCann, A. Ní Corráin, E. Ní Chuilleanáin, B. O'Callaghan, J. O'Donnell, J. Traynor


Esta seção traz diferentes vozes de escritores que narram sua experiência como leitores do trabalho de John Banville para homenagear seus 50 anos de escrita inspiradora.

Biografia do Autor

  • Jessica Traynor
    Jessica Traynor is a poet, dramaturg and creative writing teacher. Her debut collection, Liffey Swim (Dedalus Press, 2014), was shortlisted for the Strong/Shine Award. Her second collection, The Quick, was an Irish Times poetry choice of 2019. Awards include the Ireland Chair of Poetry Bursary, the Hennessy New Irish Writer of the Year, and the 2011 Listowel Poetry Prize. She is the 2020 Writer in Residence in both Carlow and Sligo, and the recipient of the 2020 Banagher Public Art Commission.  She is an inaugural Creative Fellow of UCD.




Como Citar

Traynor, J. (2021). Porta da Gaiola Aberta: Representações da Monstruosidade em Banville e Shakespeare. ABEI Journal, 22(1), 53-55. https://doi.org/10.37389/abei.v22i1.3847