Declaração Não Juramentada – O Testemunho Astuto de The Book of Evidence


  • John O'Donnell



J.J. Delaney, A. Gilsenan, N. Hegarty, P. Holloway, R. Jenkinson, C. MacCann, A. Ní Corráin, E. Ní Chuilleanáin, B. O'Callaghan, J. O'Donnell, J. Traynor


Esta seção traz diferentes vozes de escritores que narram sua experiência como leitores do trabalho de John Banville para homenagear seus 50 anos de escrita inspiradora.

Biografia do Autor

  • John O'Donnell

    John O’Donnell’s work has been published and broadcast widely in Ireland and abroad. Fiction publications include Counterparts(The Stinging Fly) Hennessy Book of Irish Fiction, the Sunday Tribune, the Sunday Independent, The Stinging Fly, and Books Ireland and the Irish Times (online). Awards include the Hennessy Award for Emerging Fiction, and the Cuirt Festival of Literature New Writing Prize for Fiction. His first collection of short stories Almost the Same Blue was published in May 2020 by Doire Press. He has also published four poetry collections, the latest of which is Sunlight: New and Selected Poems (Dedalus Press, 2018). Awards for poetry include the Irish National Poetry Prize, the Ireland Funds Prize and the Hennessy Award for Poetry. He lives and work in Dublin.




Como Citar

O'Donnell, J. (2021). Declaração Não Juramentada – O Testemunho Astuto de The Book of Evidence. ABEI Journal, 22(1), 49-52.