Em Memória de Eavan Boland


  • Thomas McCarthy
  • Marina Bertani Gazola
  • Rafael Teles da Silva




“In Memory of Eavan Boland”, de Thomas MacCarthy. Tradução para o português por Marina Bertani Gazola e Rafael Teles da Silva. Escrito para “Eavan Boland — In Her Many Images”, ABEI Journal 23.2 (2021).

Biografia do Autor

  • Thomas McCarthy

    Thomas  McCarthy  was  born  in  Cappoquin, Co. Waterford in 1954. Educated at the local Convent of Mercy and at University College Cork. He is the author of The First Convention (1978), which won the Patrick Kavanagh Award, The Sorrow-Garden(1981), The Non-Aligned Storyteller (1984), The Lost Province(1996), Pandemonium (2016), short-listed for the Irish Times Poetry Now award, and Prophecy (2019). He has published two novels, Without Power (1991) and Asya and Christine (1992) and a memoir, Gardens of Remembrance (1998). He is a former editor of Poetry Ireland Review and 1994-1995 Humphrey Professor of English at Macalester College, Minnesota. His poetry journals, Poetry, Memory and the Party, were published by the distinguished Gallery Press in 2022. He is winner of the Alice Hunt Bartlett Prize, The O’Shaughnessy Prize for Poetry and the Annual Literary Award of the Ireland Funds. He lives in Cork with his wife Catherine and they have two adult children, Kate-Inez and Neil.

  • Marina Bertani Gazola

    Marina Bertani Gazola has a Master degree in Letters from the Federal University of Parana. She is a translator and works as a researcher for the project “Culture and arts in the southern  region of Rio: memory & history”, funded by FAPERJ. She has published translations of contemporary American and Irish poets and her academic interests are Irish Studies, Translation Studies and Teaching.

  • Rafael Teles da Silva

    Rafael Teles da Silva is a M.A. candidate for the program on Translation Studies, he is licensed in Chemistry, Fluminense Federal University (UFF). Coorganizer and co-author of the I UFF Seminar of Teaching Experiences During the Pandemic, he also coauthored the VI Jornada de Estudos Irlandeses IRELAND ´N TRANS-LATION(S) 2017, “Para Uma Educação Sustentável: ecopoesia em transdisciplinaridade — a região sul-fluminense” published by Eduff in 2019, and “From Globalisms to Regionalisms: the poetry of the southern region of the state of Rio de Janeiro”, published by Fafire in 2017. He is part of the G.R.E.A.T. (Translation and Adaptation Studies Group) at the University of Sao Paulo and has researched for the project Culture and Arts: the southern region of Rio, funded by FAPERJ.




Como Citar

McCarthy, T. (2021). Em Memória de Eavan Boland (M. B. Gazola & R. T. da Silva , Trads.). ABEI Journal, 23(2), 230-231. https://doi.org/10.37389/abei.v23i2.197796