O Joyce de Wilder: Inspiração, empréstimo, apropriação, plágio


  • S. E. Gontarski Florida State University




James Joyce, Finnegans Wake, Joseph Campbell, Edmund Wilson, Thornton Wilder, The Skin of Our Teeth, Plágio, Intertexto


A atração e a paixão do romancista e dramaturgo norte americano Thornton Wilder (se não sua obsessão) pela obra de James Joyce rendeu consequências inesperadas. Wilder estava escrevendo aquela que viria a ser sua segunda peça vencedora do Pulitzer, The Skin of Our Teeth, enquanto tentava “desemaranhar” o romance final de Joyce, o Finnegans Wake. Acusações de plágio surgiriam depois, feitas por dois grandes estudiosos da obra de Joyce, Joseph Campbell e Henry Morton Robinson, que levantaram questões quanto ao ponto de inflexão da prática criativa, o momento em que práticas de influência e referência textual passam do limite e se tornam empréstimos excessivos, e plágio. Essas acusações, que Wilder não reconheceu e a que não deu resposta no momento, nunca foram derrubadas, para seu descrédito, e toldaram suas realizações como dramaturgo e também como um dos grandes estudiosos da literatura experimental, com uma ênfase toda especial em James Joyce. Este artigo expõe minuciosamente a necessidade de uma reavaliação das questões em torno da prática criativa de Wilder dentro da atmosfera teórica atual de intertextualidade, reavaliando assim o trabalho pioneiro de Wilder tanto com o Ulysses quanto com o Finnegans Wake.

Biografia do Autor

  • S. E. Gontarski, Florida State University

    Edited the Journal of Beckett Studies from 1989-2008. He has also edited The Beckett Critical Reader: Archives, Theories, and Translations (2012) and The Edinburgh Companion to Samuel Beckett and the Arts (2014), both from Edinburgh UP, as are his monographs, Creative Involution: Bergson Beckett, Deleuze (2015) and Beckett Matters: Beckett’s Late Modernism (2016). Revisioning Beckett: Samuel Beckett’s Decadent Turn appeared from Bloomsbury in 2018; and his Burroughs Unbound: William Burroughs and the Performance of Writing was issued by Bloomsbury in 2021. Włodzimierz Staniewski and the Phenomenon of “Gardzienice”, edited with Tomasz Wiśniewski and Katarzyna Kręglewska appeared from Routledge, also in 2021. A volume of his essays on Beckett’s major plays has been translated into Portuguese (Samuel Beckett: os grandes textos teatrais, translation by Camille Vilela-Jones, revision, presentation and notes by Marcus Mota; Giostri Editora, 2021). A second volume on the shorter plays will appear in 2023, also from Giostri. His A Materialização da ausência: o teatro neural de Beckett, translated by Laura Moreira, appeared in Revista do Laboratório de Dramaturgia, Laboratório de Dramaturgia e Imaginação Dramática (LADI) I.2, 3, 2016. 


Burns, Edward M. and Ulla E. Dydo, eds. Letters of Gertrude Stein and Thornton Wilder. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996.

Burns, Edward and Joshua A. Gaylord, eds. A Tour of the Darkling Plain: the Finnegans Wake Letters of Thornton Wilder and Adaline Glasheen. Dublin: University College Dublin Press, 2001.

Campbell, Joseph and Henry Morton Robinson, “The Skin of Whose Teeth? — The Strange Case of Mr. Wilder’s New Play and Finnegans Wake,” The Saturday Review of Literature, 25 (19 December 1942), 3-4. “The Skin of Whose Teeth? Part 2: The Intention behind the Deed” appeared in The Saturday Review of Literature, 26 (13 February 1943), 16-19.

Campbell, Joseph and Henry Morton Robinson, A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake, New York: Harcourt Brace, 1944.

Campbell, Joseph. Mythic Worlds, Modern Words: On the Art of James Joyce. Ed. Edward L. Epstein. Novato, CA: New World Library, 2003, pp. 257-66..

Feshbach, Sidney. “Deeply Indebted: On Thornton Wilder’s Interest in James Joyce.” James Joyce Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 4, University of Tulsa, 1994, pp. 495–517.

Dunleavy, Janet. Re-viewing Classis of Joyce Criticism. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991. [Focus on pre-1960 critics.]

Gabler, H. W. “Emergence of James Joyce’s Dialogue Poetics”. Journal of Early Modern Studies, Vol. 11, Mar. 2022, pp. 229-52, doi:10.13128/jems-2279-7149-13431.

Gibbs, Wolcott, “Finnegans Teeth,” New Yorker (December 18, 1942): https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1942/12/26/finnegans-teeth

Jolas, Eugene. “Transition: An Occidental Workshop, 1927–1938” (1949), in Eugene Jolas: Critical Writings, 1924–1951, ed. by Klaus H Kiefer and Rainer Rumold (Evanston, IL: Northwestern U P, 2009), p. 122.

Leaf, Jonathan. “The Utterly Civilized Wilder: a writer of his time — and ours,” Humanities: The Magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Vol. 30, No. 1 (January/February 2009). https://www.neh.gov/article/utterly-civilized-wilder

Lernout, Geert. Text, vol. 16, Indiana University Press, 2006, pp. 384–86, http://www.jstor.org/stable/30227984.

Niven, Penelope. Thornton Wilder: A Life. New York: Harper 2012.

Proudfit, Scott. Review of Thornton Wilder in Collaboration: Collected Essays on His Drama and Fiction ed. by Jackson R. Bryer, Judith P. Hallett, and Edyta K. Oczkowicz. Theatre History Studies, vol. 38, 2019, p. 241-244. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/ths.2019.0025.

Wilder, Thornton, “Preface,” Three Plays. New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers, 1957.

Wilder, Thornton. “Giordano Bruno’s Last Meal in Finnegans Wake,” A Wake Newslitter, 6 (October 1962); reprinted in Hudson Review, 16 (spring 1963), 74-79; and in American Characteristics and other Essays, pp. 278-85.

Wilder, Thornton. American Characteristics and other Essays, ed. Donald Gallup. Foreword by Isabel Wilder. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1979, rpt. 2000.

Williams, William Carlos, “A Point for American Criticism,” transition 15 (1929): 157-166. https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/transition-no-15-featuring-a-point-for-american-criticism-by-william-carlos-williams

Wilson, Edmund, “The Antrobuses and the Earwickers.” Nation, January 30, 1943, pp. 167-8, rpt. in Classics and Commercials: A Literary Chronicle of the 1940s. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1950, pp. 61-6; also includes “A Guide to Finnegans Wake,” pp. 182-9, which is a review of Campbell and Robinson’s A Skeleton Key to “Finnegans Wake,” the review-essay published 26 August 1944.




Como Citar

Gontarski, S. E. (2023). O Joyce de Wilder: Inspiração, empréstimo, apropriação, plágio. ABEI Journal, 25(1), 29-46. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2595-8127.v25i1p29-46