The Secret Guests


  • David Clark University of A Coruña



john Banville, Benjamin Black, The Secret Guests


Benjamin Black. The Secret Guests. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2020. ISBN-10: 1250133017.


  • ##submission.authorWithAffiliation##
    David Clark was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and is Senior Lecturer in English Studies at the University of A Coruña in Galicia, Spain. He has held executive positions in both national and international Associations for Irish Studies and has published widely on contemporary Irish and Scottish writing. He is Director of the ‘Amergin’ University Institute for Irish Studies. He co-edited the volume of essays As Nove Ondas and is co-author, with Antonio de Toro, of the book British andIrish Writers in the Spanish Periodical Press. His most recent publications are In the Wake of the Tiger: Irish Studies in the Twenty-First Century and To Banish Ghost and Goblin: New Essays on Irish Culture, both co-edited with Rubén Jarazo. He is currently working on a book, Roots and Branches of Irish Crime Fiction, to be published in late 2020.


