New times, new practices: challenges in the training of occupational therapy


  • Isa de Jesus Coutinho Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública
  • Karla Ribeiro dos Santos Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública
  • Ana Joaquina das Mercês Mariani Passos Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública



Problem-Based Learning, Education, Higher, Occupational Therapy


Problem-based Learning PBL is a method of teaching and learning that is based on real or simulated problems focusing on knowledge, skills, actions, and values. Although several universities around the world have experimented with this methodology only a few studies present results on its use. Objective: This research seeks to describe the experience of PBL in the course of Occupational Therapy of the School of Medicine and Public Health of Bahia (EBMSP) in Salvador, state of Bahia. Method: This is a qualitative approach, involving seventeen students from the sixth semester of Occupational Therapy. A standard instrument was developed prior to the survey with seven questions. Results: Indicated the use of the Methodology was helpful in the training of occupational therapists, as well as challenging for the beginning student, but revealed the need for improved training of the teachers involved in this methodology. Conclusion: The uncertainty of the participants in managing their own knowledge, that is, the quality and need for what was learned - the “learning to learn, the learning to be, and the learning to do” - was also demonstrated.


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Original Article

How to Cite

Coutinho I de J, Santos KR dos, Passos AJ das MM. New times, new practices: challenges in the training of occupational therapy. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2012 Sep. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];19(3):138-41. Available from: