Functional independence and motor impairment post stroke in individuals in the community




Stroke, Paresis, Activities of Daily Living


Individuals affected by stroke may have motor deficits, such as hemiparesis, which can limit autonomy to perform activities of daily living (ADLs). Objective: To evaluate the motor impairment and the functional independence of post-stroke individuals registered in Basic Health Units (BHU) in the city of Araranguá/SC. Method: The sample consisted of individuals with sequelae of stroke registered in the Basic Health Units (BHU) of Araranguá, selected in an intentional non-probabilistic manner. Individuals were assessed using the Modified Rankin Scale, Mini Mental State Examination, Functional Independence Measure, Fugl Meyer Scale and socioeconomic questionnaire. Results: 56 individuals were evaluated, mean age of 67.3 ± 11. According to FIM scores, 67.9% had a modified dependence, requiring up to 25% assistance to perform their ADLs. In the total FMS score, 58.9% of the individuals had marked impairment. 32.1% had severe impairment for the lower limb and 46.4% had moderate impairment for the upper limb. A significant correlation was observed between the result of the total FMS with the result of the total FIM (ρ=0.6; ρ<0.01) and between the result of the total FMS with all the items of the FIM scale (ρ <0.01). Conclusion: The evaluated individuals presented marked motor impairment and some level of functional dependence. The significant correlation between the variables demonstrated that individuals after chronic stroke in Araranguá have motor impairment that generates functional dependence for performing ADLs. It is hoped that the results found will help health professionals in the region to create approaches to keep these individuals more independent.


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How to Cite

Rissetti J, Feistauer JB, Luiz JM, da Silveira L de S, Ovando AC. Functional independence and motor impairment post stroke in individuals in the community. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];27(1):27-33. Available from: