O sistema africano de proteção dos direitos humanos e dos povos
África/Direitos Humanos, África/Carta de Banjul, O.U.A./Direitos HumanosAbstract
The central point of the Human Rigts in África is dealt by the author through: - the Human and Peoples’ Rights in the pre-colonial and colonial era; the Human and Peoples’ Rights in view of the independence of the African States and the function of the O.U.A. as a promoter and protector until middle 1970s; the O.U.A. and the exegesis of African Charter of the Human and Peoples’ Rights (Charter of Banjul); Analysis of the Charter of Banjul; the significance of the preamble of this document and is normative character; the composition, organization and competence of the African commission for Human and Peoples’ Rights.Downloads
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ANDRADE, José H. Fischel de. O sistema africano de proteção dos direitos humanos e dos povos. África, [S. l.], n. 16-17, p. 23–57, 1994. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2526-303X.v0i16-17p23-57. Disponível em: https://revistas.usp.br/africa/article/view/96035.. Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.