Edição & Censura: a materialidade dos panfletos de Sir Roger L’Estrange no início dos anos 1660





Censura, Polêmicas, Imprensa, Panfletos, História do Livro, História da Inglaterra


Sir Roger L’Estrange foi um autor, panfletista, jornalista, tradutor e censor, cujas atividades tiveram grande impacto no desenvolvimento dos sistemas de controle da imprensa no período da Restauração de Carlos II ao trono da Inglaterra. Associando seu posto de Surveyor of the Press aos seus escritos, L’Estrange perseguiu os opositores do governo por meio de suas ações repressoras e de sua ágil pena. Seus panfletos e jornais impressos dedicavam-se a denunciar os abusos cometidos por autores, impressores e livreiros sediciosos que produziam e dispersavam textos contra o rei e a igreja, visando agitar o povo a iniciar uma nova revolução. A composição de suas obras, que comumente dependia do trabalho de seu livreiro e aliado Henry Brome, era peculiar. Seus textos congregavam fontes romanas, itálicas, góticas, notas marginais e sinais tipográficos variados. Essa multiplicidade de tipos e elementos gráficos tinha profundas consequências na transmissão e compreensão de suas mensagens, pois combinavam escrita/leitura, visualidade e oralidade. Embora essa composição não fosse estranha ao gênero polêmico, empregado para combater adversários políticos e religiosos, parece-nos possível afirmar que Roger L’Estrange tinha um estilo tipográfico particular que servia aos seus objetivos repressores. Por meio da análise material e textual de seus panfletos publicados no início dos anos 1660, pretendemos discutir as implicações da função de autor-censor desempenhada por L’Estrange no contexto da Restauração.


Biografia do Autor

  • Verônica Calsoni Lima, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas

    Doutoranda em História Social pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Possui bacharelado, licenciatura e
    mestrado em História pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp).



Public Records Office, State Papers, Domestic. PRO SP29/28/121.

Public Records Office, State Papers, Domestic. PRO SP29/28/121a.

Public Records Office, State Papers, Domestic. PRO SP29/38/123

Public Records Office, State Papers, Domestic. PRO SP29/38/124.

Public Records Office, State Papers, Domestic. PRO SP29/51/13.

Public Records Office, State Papers, Domestic. PRO SP29/78/182.


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BY THE KING. A proclamation for calling in, and suppressing of two books written by John Milton; the one intituled, Johannis Miltoni Angli pro populo Anglicano defensio, contra Claudii Anonymi aliàs Salmasii, defensionem regiam; and the other in answer to a book intituled, The pourtraicture of His Sacred Majesty in his solitude and sufferings. And also a third book intituled, The obstructors of justice, written by John Goodwin. London: printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1660.

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ENIAYTOS terastios Mirabilis annus, or, The year of prodigies and wonders, being a faithful and impartial collection of severall signs that have been seen in the heavens, in the earth, and in the waters... [s. l.]: [s. n.], 1661.

GRIFFITH, Matthew. The fear of God and the King. Press'd in a sermon, preach'd at Mercers Chappell, on the 25th. of March, 1660. London: Printed for Tho: Johnson at the Golden Key in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660.

L’ESTRANGE, Roger. A Modest Plea Both for the Caveat, and The Author of It. With Some Notes Upon Mr. James Howell, and His Sober Inspections. London, For Henry Brome at the Gun in Ivy lane. Printed Aug. 28. 1661b.

L’ESTRANGE, Roger. A short view of some remarkable transactions, leading to the happy settlement of these nations under the government of our lawfull and gracious soveraign, Charl[e] s the II, whom God preserve by Roger L'Estrange. London: Printed for Henry Brome..., 1660b.

L’ESTRANGE, Roger. Considerations and proposals in order to the regulation of the press: together with diverse instances of treasonous, and seditious pamphlets, proving the necessity thereof. By Roger L’Estrange. London: printed by A.C., June 3d. M.DC.LXIII. [1663].

L’ESTRANGE, Roger. Interested Mistaken, Or, The Holy Cheat... London, Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in Ivy-lane. 1661a.

L’ESTRANGE, Roger. L'Estrange his apology: with a short view, of some late and remarkable transactions, leading to the happy settlement of these nations under the government of our lawfull and gracious soveraign Charls the II. London: Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in Ivy-Lane, 1660a.

L’ESTRANGE, Roger. L'Estrange his vindication from the calumnies of a malitious party in Kent (relating to a commotion there in May 1648) which hee [sic] addresses to the authours and promoters of them. [London: s. n.], printed in the yeer 1649.

L’ESTRANGE, Roger. No Blinde Guides, In Answer To a seditious Pamphlet of J. Milton’s... London, Printed for Henry Brome April 20. 1660c.

L’ESTRANGE, Roger. The Observator, n. 340. London, Printed by Joanna Brome at the Gun in St. Pauls Church-yard, 17 May. 1683.

L’ESTRANGE, Roger. To the right honorable Edward Earl of Clarenden, Lord High Chancellor of England, the humble apology of Roger L'Estrange. London : printed for Henry Brome..., M. DC. LXI. [1661c].

L’ESTRANGE, Roger. Truth and loyalty vindicated, from the reproches and clamours of Mr. Edward Bagshaw. London: printed for H. Brome, and A. Seile, and are to be sold at the Gun in Ivy-lane, and over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, June the 7th. 1662.

MARVELL, Andrew. An essay, or, A narrative of the two great fights at sea between the English and the Dutch, on the 1, 2, 3 and 4 of June, and on the 25 and 26 of July in the year of our Lord 1666. London: Printed by E.C. for Henry Brome..., 1666.

MILTON, John. Brief notes upon a late sermon, titl'd, The fear of God and the King preach'd, and since publish'd by Matthew Griffith... wherin many notorious wrestings of Scripture, and other falsities are observed / by J.M. London: [s. n.], 1660.

MILTON, John. The readie & easie vvay to establish a free Commonwealth, and the excellence therof compar'd with the inconveniences and dangers of readmitting kingship in this nation. London: printed by T.N. and are to be sold by Livewell Chapman at the Crown in Popes-Head-Alley, 1660a.

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LIMA, Verônica Calsoni. Edição & Censura: a materialidade dos panfletos de Sir Roger L’Estrange no início dos anos 1660. Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material, São Paulo, v. 28, p. 1–50, 2020. DOI: 10.1590/1982-02672020v28d3e24. Disponível em: https://revistas.usp.br/anaismp/article/view/168476.. Acesso em: 27 mar. 2025.