Estudo toponímico do rio Tietê


  • Carlos Drumond Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros
  • Arlinda Rocha Nogueira Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros



Besides tracing the many uses and variations of the  of the Tietê river (and its tributaries), the following study tries to draw a pattern of the way in which they are used, and their different ortography. In order to do that the AA have gone through works, maps and documents dating from the seventeenth century onwards. Nevertheless, it seems that those aims have not always been achieved: many of the toponyms require a more through analysis. So far, not all the attempts are not enterely convincing. In the study mentioned, an analysis of the names which have been attributed to the Tietê river — Anhembi and Tietê — with its starting point as the history of that river, has been essayed. Afterwards, a survey of the tributaries and the study of every and each one of them has been undertaken. The essay ends with an attempt at classifying the toponyms.



Biographies de l'auteur

  • Carlos Drumond, Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros

    Do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da Universidade de São Paulo. 

  • Arlinda Rocha Nogueira, Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros

    Do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da Universidade de São Paulo. 







Comment citer

DRUMOND, Carlos; NOGUEIRA, Arlinda Rocha. Estudo toponímico do rio Tietê. Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material, São Paulo, n. Tomo XXXI, p. 59–182, 1982. DOI: 10.11606/1982-02671982TomoXXXIe3. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mars. 2025.