Contribuição ao estudo de legislação sobre os núcleos coloniais no período imperial


  • Miyoko Makino Universidade de São Paulo



The immigration directed to the colonial nuclei, founded in Espirito Santo, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro, began during D. João Vl’s reign. There were two opinions on immigration, during the Imperial period: one was turned towards the foundation of colonial nuclei and the other towards the large properties (plantations), as a substitute for slave work. The first experiments with colonial nuclei were defeated, because these nuclei were established in regions where the approach was difficult. There was also the question of the adaptation to the climatical conditions and to the cultural and social distinctions. Legal measures began to be taken from the middle of the nineteenth century. There was a beginning of regulamentation for the possesion of the land by foreign elements, in the general Law of Lands in 1850. The 1854 decree ruled the colonial nuclei, but it was only in 1867 that the Regulamentation for the State Colonies was approved. By this time several colonial nuclei were already established in more accessible countries with climatic conditions similar to Europe. In the “Província de São Paulo" the biggest preocupation was the introduction of immigrants as renters or hired people in the great properties, only in the last years of the Imperial Period was the instalation of colonial nuclei considered. Many were the debates in the Provincial Legislative Assembly and in 1887 the Regulation for the Immigration Office of the Província de São Paulo was approved, with a chapter on the colonial nuclei. The nuclei eventualy come to be considered as elements of immigrant fixation on the lands, as a guarantee of settlement and of agricultural development and also as a supplies to urban zones.


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Como Citar

MAKINO, Miyoko. Contribuição ao estudo de legislação sobre os núcleos coloniais no período imperial. Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material, São Paulo, n. Tomo XXV, p. 79–130, 1974. DOI: 10.11606/1982-02671974TomoXXVe5. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jul. 2024.