Audiovisuality of the mist: video-cliffs vs video-clips


  • Omar Rincón
  • Lina Tono Faculdade de Artes e Humanidades da Universidade dos Andes (Colômbia).


Palabras clave:

series, movies, TV, video, aesthetics, clip, audiovisual mist, fog.


Transparency is the value of our time: Political transparency as a democratic principle. Visual transparency on the digital. Body transparency as aesthetics of seduction. This essay-creation claims that, from and on audiovisual, the visual transparency is an explicit way to conceal, hide, losing the polysemy of images. And proposes the ambiguous of the visible, the dirty look, the bastard identities as a creative tactic to reach narrative, aesthetics, truth and audiovisual representation. Thus, the figure of the fog as in-between visibility gain power to intervene the digital and television transparency. This essay-creation seeks to rethink the visual aesthetics and audiovisual narrative through the figure of the mist. At the end, it propose the video-cliff format (or narrative vertigo over the fog) as impure alternative that breaks the transparency of the our vide-clip era.


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Arte, tecnologia e novas mídias

Cómo citar

Rincón, O., & Tono, L. (2015). Audiovisuality of the mist: video-cliffs vs video-clips. ARS, 13(25), 115-133.