Análise da pesca da pescada-foguete na costa centro-sul do Brasil


  • N. Yamaguti Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto Oceanográfico
  • A. E. D. de Moraes Secretaria da Agricultura; Departamento da Produção Animal



In this paper data on catch and effort by gear are analysed, for weakfish (Macrodon ancylodon) landed at Santos from January 1959 to December 1963. The region studied was a narrow band about 30 nautical miles wide, along the southern coast of Brazil, between 23º S and 34º S. From the analysis of monthly data of production per unit-effort by squares of 1º on a side, we divided the studied region in two areas: area I (from 23º S to 27º S) and area II (from 28º S to 34º S). The index of unit-effort production and the effort concentration index were computed grouping the data by quarters. From the results we may drow the following conclusions: 1 - In a general way, the effort for catch weak-fish has been applied satisfactorily because the medium and large parejas have operated almost in areas with average density on¹ higher than average density; 2 - The production per unit-effort in the area I is smaller than the production in area II, which suggests that the index of abundance is higher in area II; 3 - The decrease in production per unit-effort, in area II, suggests a decrease in the abundance or availability of weak-fish in this area; 4 - In the area I, the index of production per unit-effort remained approximately at the same level.


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How to Cite

Análise da pesca da pescada-foguete na costa centro-sul do Brasil . (1965). Boletim Do Instituto Oceanografico, 14, 115-124.