Distribuição da temperatura na superfície do mar obtida através do uso de sensores remotos na área compreendida entre Itanhaém e a Ilha de São Sebastião (SP)
The use of remote sensing in oceanography, has been largely increased, mainly because the synoptic look, the accuracy of the data as well as the economics aspects. This paper shows the features and the first results of some experiments performed in the offshore region near Santos Bay and São Sebastião Island, in the southeast coast of Brazil. The technique seems to be powerfull in coastal circulation studies, as well as, in every process that uses the temperature as a natural tracer. The tide currents seem to have large influence in the area near the Santos Bay, with a surface mean speed of about 1.2 m/s, which can reach distances of about 50 n.m. One can note that the area can be divided, at least in surface terms, in two subareas, with different thermal behaviours, with the interface standing normal to the coast in front of Santos.Downloads
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Distribuição da temperatura na superfície do mar obtida através do uso de sensores remotos na área compreendida entre Itanhaém e a Ilha de São Sebastião (SP) . (1980). Boletim Do Instituto Oceanografico, 29(2), 201-204. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0373-55241980000200042