An electrophoretic study on proteins of skeleton muscle of Micropogonias furnieri (Desmarest, 1823) from SE-S coast of Brazil: 2. ontogenetical varition and population dynamics


  • Hana Suzuki Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto Oceanógrafico
  • Anna Emília A. de M Vazzoler Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto Oceanógrafico
  • Phan Van Ngan Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto Oceanógrafico



Electrophoresis, Proteins, Muscle, Ontogeny, Genetics, Population dynamics, Ubatuba^i2^, Florianópolis^i2^, Lagoa dos Patos^i2^, South coast^i2^sBra, Southeast coast^i2^sBra, Micropogonias furnieri, Sciaenidae


Electropherograms of general proteins of skeletic muscle of male and female Micropogonias furnieri, ranging from 112 to 718 mm in total length, were obtained in cellulose acetate membranes visualized by Ponceau SQ The specimens were collect ed in the area between Ubatuba (SP) and Florianópolis (SC), and in Lagoa dos Patos (RS). The electropherograms were classified in three types, P, PF and A, and in six varieties, "i", "c", "r", "l", "lf" and "j", based on the qualitative and quantitative differences in the bands VI1, VI2, and VII, and I2, respectively. The differences observed in electropherograms were independent of the sampling area, Ubatuba-Florianopolis or Lagoa dos Patos. The types P, PF and A of electropherograms were related to the ontogenetic development of fish and the varieties "j", "r" and "c" were related to the period of preservation of the samples. The types and varieties of the electropherograms were independent of sex, gonadal maturity and sampling site.


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How to Cite

An electrophoretic study on proteins of skeleton muscle of Micropogonias furnieri (Desmarest, 1823) from SE-S coast of Brazil: 2. ontogenetical varition and population dynamics . (1983). Boletim Do Instituto Oceanografico, 32(2), 167-176.