A study of the circulation in Bay of Ilha Grande and Bay of Sepetiba: part II: an assessment to the tidally and wind-driven circulation using a finite element numerical model
A finite element, two-dimensional hydrodynamical numerical model developed by Wang & White (1976) was applied to study the tidal and wind-driven rculations in the coastal domain formed by Bay of Ilha Grande and Bay of Sepetiba. The tidal circulation was modeled by imposing a co-oscillating tidal signal at the open boundaries of the domain. The amplitude and phase of the tidal constipants adopted to run the numerical experiment were based on harmonic analysis of previous investigations in the region, plus data obtained from two tide gauges ins tailed near the open boundaries of the modeled domain. The numerical simulation of the wind-driven circulation was based on wind data statistics covering 16 months of data. The effect of the wind in the local circulation was weighted by the frequency distribution of wind directions as well as the associated most probable wind forces. The numerical model was also used to simulate seiche oscillations in the coupled system formed by Bay of Ilha Grande and Bay of Sepetiba. The model results are in agreement with the results derived in Part I of this paper, where field data was analysed and discussed.Descargas
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A study of the circulation in Bay of Ilha Grande and Bay of Sepetiba: part II: an assessment to the tidally and wind-driven circulation using a finite element numerical model . (1980). Boletim Do Instituto Oceanográfico, 29(1), 57-68. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0373-55241980000100005