Fatty acids profile, atherogenic and thrombogenic health lipid indices in the meat of lambs that received canola grain





Hypercholesterolemic fatty acids, Hypocholesterolemic fatty acids, Meat quality, Unsaturated fatty acids, Oilseeds


This study evaluated the fatty acid composition and qualitative characteristics of meat from lambs feed in feedlot with increasing levels of canola grain. Meat obtained from 27 lambs fed 0, 8 and 16% inclusion of canola grain were analyzed. There was a reduction in the content of saturated fatty acids (SFA): lauric, heptadecanoic, and stearic; and unsaturated fatty acids (UFA): palmitoleic, oleic, and eicosatrienoic, with the increasing levels of canola grain. There was a linear reduction for the ω3 acid and the ω3: ω6 ratio, while the ω6: ω3 ratio increased. But the values observed for this ratio (ω6: ω3) were lower than 4, which is considered a satisfactory value. There was a slight increase (~2%) for the thrombogenicity index and atherogenicity index with the inclusion of canola grain. There was a reduction in the hypocholesterolemic: hypercholesterolemic ratio, with mean values of 2.09 for the diet with 0% inclusion, and 2.06 for 8 and 16% inclusion of canola. Although the inclusion of canola grain for lambs decreased the content of some UFA, reflecting alterations in the correlated nutritional properties, there is a reduction of SFA. The results for instrumental analysis, proximate composition, and sensory acceptance of the lamb meat were similar among the treatments.


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How to Cite

Carneiro MMY, Goes RH de T e B de, Barros BCB, Oliveira RT de, Fernandes ARM, Silva NG da, et al. Fatty acids profile, atherogenic and thrombogenic health lipid indices in the meat of lambs that received canola grain. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];58:e178023. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/bjvras/article/view/178023