Radiographic findings in the coxofemoral joint of Australian Cattle Dogs




Norberg angle, Inclination angle of the femoral neck, Cortical index, Blue heeler, Hip dysplasia


Australian Cattle Dogs (ACD) are medium-sized animals widely used in fieldwork for managing cattle and sheep. There needs to be more information about the conditions these dogs can develop despite being well-characterized animals since the beginning of the 20th century. Hip dysplasia (HD) is a developmental abnormality between the femoral head and the acetabular fossa, which can be debilitating. However, the available literature has no studies on the prevalence of this condition in dogs of this breed. This study aimed to evaluate radiographs of ACD qualitatively and quantitatively. For this purpose, 49 dogs considered healthy without clinical signs of HD were radiographically assessed, and the animals were classified as dysplastic (D) and non-dysplastic (ND). A frequency of 46.9% of dysplastic dogs was observed, with males being more affected. The cortical index (CI) and angle of inclination (AI) could not differentiate D from ND animals; only the Norberg angle (NA) was effective in this differentiation. No correlation was observed between AI, CI, and AN.


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How to Cite

Santos TC dos, Cavalcanti EANLD, Dode MEB, Boff GA, Cavalcanti GA de O, Bruhn FRP. Radiographic findings in the coxofemoral joint of Australian Cattle Dogs. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];60:e208324. Available from: