Strategies to increase the number of dog adoptions in a Brazilian shelter
Shelter dogs, Programs for adoption, AbandonmentAbstract
Stray dogs are an unfortunate reality in Brazil, and abandonment is a known multifactorial problem that generates a negative impact on animal welfare and risks to public health. Abandoned animals are primarily taken in by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) across the country. To mitigate the problem, these organizations promote adoption events to remedy the increasingly growing number of abandoned animals. However, every adoption event must be appropriately and carefully carried out, and monitoring the new family or guardian post- adoption is essential to identify risks of new abandonment. The literature shows that unsuccessful adoption is associated with problems in the interaction between owners and dogs, which can result in undesirable behavior. This study aimed to bring and apply for the first time in Brazil two international programs adapted for our shelters, the Field Trip (Passeio para Adoção – PA) and the Sleepover (Lar Adotivo -LA). The two programs allow pre-registered families to interact with the dogs outside the shelter, whether through walks in parks, stores, and restaurants or by spending one or more nights with them in their homes. This interaction outside the shelter provides a better approach to the future adopter and the dog, increasing the chance of adoption, which is the main objective of this research project. The Brazilian city chosen to apply the study was the Curitiba state of Paraná. Data were collected from October 2022 to September 2023, with 22 participating dogs, 7 in both programs and 17 dogs adopted from PA and nine from LA. Many dogs were adopted by volunteer families, one from PA and 7 from LA, which proves a positive result for applying the programs, predominantly from LA.
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