Whey: properties, health benefits and its use in beverages





Drinks, Functional foods, Probiotics, Whey


Whey stands as a crucial co-product within the dairy sector. Generated in large quantities, it is considered an effluent of significant environmental impact, as it has a high polluting potential, requiring suitable management. However, whey also serves as a rich reservoir of nutrients such as proteins, lactose, and minerals. Several processes have been developed to reuse whey, emphasizing its application in human food, a sector that has been growing sharply. Considering the beneficial properties of whey and its constituents, together with the high consumer demand for natural, nutritious, and functional foods, whey started to be applied in functional beverages, a segment of particular relevance due to the benefits that it can bring to health. Several studies developed approaches to the joint application of whey and probiotics in fermented beverages, chocolate milk drinks, carbonated drinks, enriched or supplemented drinks, and whey in prebiotic and synbiotic beverages and fruit juices. These products can supplement food, increasing health and reducing disease risk. Furthermore, the conversion of whey into a valuable product represents a positive economic impact, preserving the environment and contributing to the development of the industry.


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How to Cite

Lermen AM, Daroit DJ, Brandelli A, Motta A de S. Whey: properties, health benefits and its use in beverages. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];61:e219582. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/bjvras/article/view/219582