Echocardiography of turquoise-fronted parrots (Amazona aestiva, Linnaeus, 1758) subjected to physical orpharmacological restraint protocols




Echocardiogram, Psittacines, Sedation


The tranquilizers can influence the preload and the afterload and alter echocardiographic parameters in parrots since echocardiography in these animals invariably depends on pharmacological containment. This study aimed to determine the echocardiographic parameters of turquoise-fronted parrots (Amazona aestiva) under physical and pharmacological restraint using midazolam and a combination of midazolam and ketamine and evaluate these drugs as facilitators of echocardiography. Echocardiographic examinations were performed on 10 healthy parrots using three restraint protocols at 30-day washout: midazolam 1.5 mg/kg IM (PM protocol), midazolam 0.2 mg/kg with ketamine 25 mg/kg IM (PMK protocol), and physical (PRP protocol). Apical images were obtained using the horizontal ventromedian approach using B-mode. Sedation scores and duration of exams were determined. In the PMK protocol, it was observed that Vmax-Ao (p = 0.0052), Ao-Grad (p = 0.0110), LVLd (p = 0.0219), LALd (p = 0.0304), IVSs (p = 0.0219) and IVSd (p = 0.0156) was lower than the PRP protocol and equal to PM protocol. However, cardiac debit was lower than the PM protocol (p = 0.0417) and equal to the PRP protocol. The A-wave velocity was greater than the E-wave velocity in 80% of the birds, while 20% showed E-wave velocity greater than the A wave velocity in the PMK and PM protocols. PMK protocol showed a higher level of sedation without resistance to manipulation. In parrots, ketamine and midazolam alter echocardiographic parameters dependent on preload and afterload, but midazolam causes minor changes. In addition, pharmacological restraint facilitates echocardiography without altering the examination time. 


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How to Cite

Kuster MCC, Santos AMMR dos, Pontes BG, Spalenza TB, Resende G de O, Oliveira P da R, et al. Echocardiography of turquoise-fronted parrots (Amazona aestiva, Linnaeus, 1758) subjected to physical orpharmacological restraint protocols. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];61:e221446. Available from: