Linear measurements, body proportions, and biomechanical insights: morphological analysis of arabian horses in São Paulo, Brazil




Farming, Endurance horse, Morphology, Race


This study, conducted with meticulous scientific rigor, evaluated linear measurements, body proportions, and body indices in Arabian horses better to understand their morphology, aptitude, and biomechanics. The sample comprised 168 adult purebred Arabians (76 males and 92 females) housed in a horse farm in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. Twenty-six linear measurements were made using a measuring tape, from which morphometric indices were calculated. The data was meticulously analyzed using variance analysis and Tukey’s test, with the level of significance set at 5%. The findings of this study, backed by robust statistical analysis, revealed that Arabian horses are geometric, slightly long-limbed (ectomorph), light-working horses and can bear loads equivalent to 25% of their body weight. Longer dorsolumbar, croup, and thigh length than front limb linear measurements suggest body disproportion. Similar findings have been reported in other athletic horse breeds, such as Quarter Horse and Brazilian Sport Horse, as physical exercise requires more propulsion than pleasure riding. Dactylo-thoracic and ability indices place Arabian horses in the light-working horse category, supporting this hypothesis. Some measurements and indices differed between genders, with males exceeding females in most cases, except for body length. Linear measurements proved to be essential tools for movement and conformation assessment. Arabian horses in this sample did not meet riding comfort standards but were thought to have good athletic potential based on linear measurements and proportions. 


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How to Cite

Siqueira RF de, Cordeiro N de MS. Linear measurements, body proportions, and biomechanical insights: morphological analysis of arabian horses in São Paulo, Brazil. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];61:e223460. Available from: