Toxicity test and cryopreservation of sheep isolated preantral follicles using glycerol, ethylen glycol, dimethil sulfoxyde and propanediol
Preantral follicles, Sheep, Toxicity test, CryopreservationAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate isolated sheep preantral follicles (PF) after exposure and cryopreservation using glycerol (GLI), ethylene glycol (EG), propanediol (PROH) or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at 1.5 and 3.0 M. Each ovarian pair from 5 mixed breed adult sheeps was obtained at a local slaughterhouse and submited to follicular isolation. From the obtained suspension, one aliquot was immediately analysed with trypan blue. The remaining suspension was divided in 16 aliquots of 0.9 mL, suspended in (v/v) in MEM+ with EG, DMSO, GLI or PROH at 1.5 or 3.0 M to the toxicity test and cryopreservation. After the end of each treatment, the follicular viability was analysed and the PF were classified as viable if not dyed or not viable if dyed with trypan blue. The analysis of the results showed that after the toxicity test and cryopreservation, using all cryoprotectants and at both concentrations, the percentage of viable PF was significantly reduced when compared to the control. At the toxicity test, when the cryoprotectants were compared at the same concentrations, the lowest percentage of viable preantral follicles was obtained when 3.0 M PROH (38,9%) was used, being, more toxic when compared to the others cryoprotectants. After cryopreservation, significantly higher percentual of viable PF was observed when the EG and DMSO were used. In conclusion, sheep PF can be cryopreserved successfully using DMSO and EG at 1.5 and 3.0 M.Downloads
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Santos RR dos, Rodrigues APR, Costa SHF, Matos MHT, Silva JRV, Celestino JJ de H, et al. Toxicity test and cryopreservation of sheep isolated preantral follicles using glycerol, ethylen glycol, dimethil sulfoxyde and propanediol. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2006 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 9];43(2):250-5. Available from: