Spermogram of african lions (Panthera leo, Linnaeus, 1758) housed at Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo
African lion, Panthera leo, Semen, Spermogram, ElectroejaculationAbstract
The aim of this sutdy was to analyse the spermogram of a group of captive African lions (Panthera leo), housed at the Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo, as a subject to avaluate the reproductive potential of the animals, an important aspect to apply artificial reproductive techniques. After chemical restraining, semen from 14 adult male lions was obtained by electroejaculation and the samples were examined right after the collection. The characteristics analyzed were: volume, pH, general aspect, motility, progressive motility, spermatic motility index and concentration. One aliquot of the samples were fixed in saline-formol solution 10% and examined under Phase Contrast Microscopy for morphological evaluation, classifying in minor and major defects. The results were: volume 5,83+/-3,35 ml; concentration11,62 +/- 14,51 x 10(6) sperm cells/ml; total motility 73,85 +/- 11,02% ; progressive motility3,35 +/- 0,63; spermatic motility index 70,42%, pH 8,1 +/- 0,5; major defects 38,12 +/- 19,41%; minor defects 17,43 +/- 10,36%; total defects 55,55 +/- 19,30%. The more frequent major defects were: proximal droplet, bent midpiece with cytoplasmic droplet and bent midpiece. Bent tail was the most frequent minor defect observed.Downloads
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Miya PS, Soler TB, Correa SHR, Guimarães MA de BV. Spermogram of african lions (Panthera leo, Linnaeus, 1758) housed at Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2007 Dec. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];44(supl.):65-70. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/bjvras/article/view/26592