Vibrio in pond water and sediment from four shrimp farms in Ceará state, Brazil
Marine shrimp, Vibrio spp, Standard count plateAbstract
Sixteen collections were taken, eight during rainy season and eight on the draught season in four shrimp farms in Ceará State, from Jaguaribe River (farms A and B) and Acaraú River (farms C and D) estuaries, totalizing 32 samples. The goal of the research was to identify and quantify Vibrio spp. in water and in sediment samples. The maximum Standard Plate Count (SPC) values of Vibrio spp. calculated for the rainy season, from water, was 5.10³ CFU/mL est., and for the sediment 7.5.10³ CFU/g est.. For the draught season, maximum counting for water was 4.35.10² CFU/mL est. and for sediment 3.55.10³ CFU/g est.. Thirty six strains of Vibrio were isolated: Vibrio spp. (17), V. vulnificus B1(3), V. calviensis (2), V. cholerae (2), V. litoralis (2), V. metschnikovii (2), V. agarivorans (1), V. alginolyticus (1), V. campbellii (1), V. coralliilyticus (1), V. diazotrophicus (1), V. logei (1), V. mediterranei (1), V. vulnificus B2 (1). The isolation of species never previously isolated of shrimp farms, such as V. coralliilyticus, V. agarivorans, V. litoralis and V. calviensis are important for the continuous microbiological monitoring these environments.Downloads
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Vieira RHS dos F, Rocha R dos S, Carvalho EMR de, Sousa OV, Gesteira TCV. Vibrio in pond water and sediment from four shrimp farms in Ceará state, Brazil. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];47(6):454-60. Available from: