Endoscopic evaluation of upper airway lesions due to endotracheal intubation in dogs
Endoscopy, Dogs, Trachea, Lesions, Endotracheal intubation.Abstract
It was evaluated, by endoscopy and using general anesthesia, the upper airway and trachea lesions due to endotracheal intubation after 90 minutes and after 24 hours of the procedure, in 15 dogs. In five animals submitted to cuff pressure of 100 mmHg, it was observed, after 90 minutes, 20% of hyperemia; 80% of the dogs presented no lesion. Twenty-four hours after extubation, it was not found any kind of lesion in all the animals. In the group submitted to a cuff pressure of 150 mmHg,it was verified hyperemia in 20% of the animals after 90 minutes of endotracheal intubation and no abnormality after 24 hours. The third group was submitted to cuff inflated with a random pressure, which was measured afterwards. In this group, it was found 40% of hyperemia, 20% of hematoma, 40% of ulceration and 20% of laceration, 24 hours after the first endoscopic exam. It could be concluded that pressures above 180 mmHg for 90 minutes cause persistent tracheal lesion, as late as 24
hours after the extubation; lesion site frequently was exactly the cuff location.
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Domingos L de O, Stopiglia Ângelo J, Corrêa VP, Fantoni DT. Endoscopic evaluation of upper airway lesions due to endotracheal intubation in dogs. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 1997 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 3];34(5):278-83. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/bjvras/article/view/50336