Sugar cane silage replacing sorghum silage for lactating cows


  • Edison Valvasori Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Carlos de Sousa Lucci Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Nutrição e Produção, Pirassununga, SP
  • Fernando Lima Pires Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Juliana Rodrigues Pozzi Arcaro Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, SP
  • Irineu Arcaro Jr. Instituto de Zootecnia, Nova Odessa, SP



Silage, Cane sugar, Sorghum, Dairy cows


Twelve Holstein and Schwyz lactating cows were used in a switch-back trial to evaluate the following silages corrected to a same nitrogen level by addiction of cottonseed meal, to supply the required nutrients for maintenance and production of the eight first kg of milk per cow by day, concentrate meals being used to supplement the milk produced above this level: Treatment A) grain sorghum silage; Treatment B) 50% grain sorghum silage and 50% sugar cane silage; Treatment C) sugar cane silage. Milk production per cow per day was respectively 12.9 kg, 12.3 kg and 11.8 kg and treatment A was superior to C (p<0.05). Total dry matter consumption by 100 kg of body live-weight (3.0kg, 3.0kg and 2.8kg), as the TDN consumptions (9.2kg, 8.8kg and 8.0kg) for treatments A,B and C respectively, presented no statistical differences. Twelve Ideal breed lambs were used to run an apparent digestibility trial with the same treatments applied to the lactating cows: the dry matter digestibility values were 54.4%, 56.8% and 52.0% respectively for A,B and C treatments, with no statistical differences among them.


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How to Cite

Valvasori E, Lucci C de S, Pires FL, Arcaro JRP, Arcaro Jr. I. Sugar cane silage replacing sorghum silage for lactating cows. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 1998 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];35(3):139-42. Available from: