Allele and genotype frequency for milk beta-casein in dairy cattle in the northern region of Tocantins State, Brazil




Beta-casein, Dairy cattle, Genotyping, Tocantins


At present, there is a concern about the quality of milk and diseases related to its consumption, as it can generate discomfort and allergic reactions in some individuals due to its protein components. Thus, the present study was developed to identify the allele and genotype frequencies of genes for β casein, A1 and A2, in dairy herds in the region of Araguaína-TO, Brazil. Genetic material from 421 animals (crossbred dairy cattle in lactation) was used. All animals were numbered for identification, and DNA samples were extracted from hair bulbs. Samples for two markers from the polymorphic regions were characterized and confirmed by real time PCR using the ABI Prism® 7500 Sequence Detection System (Applied Biosystems). Allele and genotype frequencies were determined using the TaqMan™ detection system, where the primer and probe release different fluorescence signals for each allele of the polymorphism. The sampled herd showed frequencies of 28.27% for the A1 allele and 71.73% for the A2 allele. Genotype frequencies were 52.96% (223/421) for A2A2; 37.53% (158/421) for the A1A2 genotype; and 9.50% (40/421) for the A1A1 genotype. The frequency of the A1 allele for β-casein in dairy herds from the northern region of Tocantins was low and is per the results of previous studies. Although the A2A2 genotype of β-casein had a high relative frequency, the A1A2 genotype is still rather frequent, warranting greater selection pressure.


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How to Cite

Oliveira RORG, Carvalho ME de, Rodrigues MHD, Poleti MD, Ferraz JBS, Souza ABB, et al. Allele and genotype frequency for milk beta-casein in dairy cattle in the northern region of Tocantins State, Brazil. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];58:e186603. Available from: