Experimental evaluation of foam-based poultry depopulation for emergencies


  • Masaio Mizuno Ishizuka Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Saúde Animal, São Paulo, SP
  • Walter Kazuhiko Ishizuka Masaio Assessoria de Informações Científicas, São Paulo, SP
  • Fernando Gomes Buchala Governo do Estado de São Paulo, Coordenadoria de Defesa Agropecuária, Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento, São Paulo, SP
  • Ricardo de Albuquerque Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal, São Paulo, SP
  • Eliana Reiko Matushima Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Patologia, São Paulo, SP
  • Raphael Lúcio Andreatti Filho Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Clínica Veterinária, São Paulo, SP




Avian influenza, Depopulation, Foam, Mechanical hypoxia, Poultry


There are several difficulties in the control of quick spreading and highly contagious poultry diseases such as avian influenza and Newcastle disease, which require large numbers of poultry to be rapidly killed inside the poultry houses in order to minimize human exposure and disease spreading. We have built and tested an equipment that uses a water-based foam from high expansion fire detergent that induces poultry anoxia measured by sensorial signs, time to death, lethality and macro and microscopically lesions. Two hundred 78-weeks old hens were divided into ten groups and exposed to different times of death according to exposure to water-foam varying from 5min30s minutes to 8min15s minutes. All poultry died after six minutes of water-foam cover. Foam bubbles were observed in oral cavity and trachea of all poultry at each time of exposure to foam, revealing physical asphyxia. Macroscopically, congestion in oral cavity and in trachea mucosa was observed. Histopathology revealed diffuse and moderate hemorrhage in lungs and no lesion in trachea. The efficacy of water-foam procedure for poultry depopulation was demonstrated validating its recommendation in case of emergency.


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How to Cite

Ishizuka MM, Ishizuka WK, Buchala FG, Albuquerque R de, Matushima ER, Andreatti Filho RL. Experimental evaluation of foam-based poultry depopulation for emergencies. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2011 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];48(2):155-60. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/bjvras/article/view/34367