Stefan Zweig’s silences: considerations from Hannah Arendt and Friderike Zweig
Stefan Zweig, Friederike Zweig, Hannah Arendt, Silence, Security, CriticismAbstract
Yesterday: Stefan Zweig: Memoirs of a European by Stefan Zweig, published in Stokcolm in Living in exil in New York, the two women wrote, respectively, Stefan Zweig: jews in the world of yesterday (1943) and Married to Stefan Zweig (1947), soon after the book was launched. Despite they had different points of view, both argued that in his book, the author’s silences about important facts of his life were due to his deep feeling of insecurity. The reading of those papers make it possible not only the understanding Stefan Zweig’s legacy but also This article goes back to Hannh Arendt’s and Friderike Zweig’s criticism on The World of allows to consider an actual issue concerning to what one should say or silence in the public sphere - from the perspective of the relationship of security and silence.
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