Comprehension, Distancing and intervention: methodologIcal Challenges in an investigation about migration and education.
Methodology, Ethnographic approach, Reflexibility, Distancing, InterventionAbstract
In this article there are systematize some methodological reflections starting from an investigation of qualitative ethnographic type in the field of migration and education. It is warned about the relevance of the continuity of the work and the permanency in the territory to acquire the experiences of the different subjects and the local senses that in this case resultb nodal (descendants, second generation, continue being Bolivians, to become someone). Then it is stopped in the potentialities of the ethnography to comprehend and at the same time to establish a distance to those meanings. To finalize it is pondered upon the potentialities and the risks of the complementation of more traditional activities related to the qualitative investigation (observation, interviews, reconstruction of biographical trajectories) with experiences of intervention that it was sustained in the locality: workshops in schools, accompaniment in projects of alphabetization and participation in community radio programs.
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